"The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and CH2M HILL Canada Limited honoured the 10 winners of the FCM-CH2M HILL Sustainable Community Awards at a recognition ceremony at FCM's 70th Annual Conference and Municipal ExpoTM in Calgary today (June 2, 2007). The Awards recognize municipal leadership in sustainable community development and giveWinners:
national recognition to projects that demonstrate environmental excellence and
innovation in service delivery."
- Québec City, Québec - Bibliothèque de Charlesbourg (Building)
- City of Calgary, Alberta - imagineCALGARY (Sustainable Community Planning)
- City of Toronto, Ontario - Making Green Roofs Happen (Wastewater)
- Town of East Gwillimbury, Ontario - Energy Star Standards for new homes
(Residential Development)
FCM Centre for Sustainable Community Development: http://sustainablecommunities.fcm.ca/Home/