Thursday, May 03, 2007

How Colleges can be Forefront of Green Movement

May 1, 2007
Elia Powers
In Degrees That Matter: Climate Change and the University,” (MIT Press) Ann Rappaport and Sarah Hammond Creighton, both leaders of Tufts University’s Climate Initiative. The co-authors responded to questions from Inside Higher Ed about their latest project.

Q: How can you best tell if a college’s environmental promise has teeth or is just empty rhetoric?

A: We are concerned that individual high-visibility projects can be confused with a comprehensive climate action effort. We suggest a set of activities that are the basis for a credible effort. These include:

  • The campus master plan includes sustainability.
  • Energy management systems are in place.
  • Funding for energy efficiency is provided.
  • Standards are in place for new construction.
  • No old lighting technology is on campus (no incandescent or T-12 lamps).
  • A recycling program is in place.
  • The curriculum includes robust discussion of climate change and energy.
  • A program to address single-occupancy vehicle use is in place and automobile alternatives are developed and implemented.
  • A baseline inventory of the institution’s greenhouse gas emissions is conducted and published. The inventory needs to be updated periodically to show progress toward an established goal. A program that’s transparent and effective will provide the numbers that document progress, not just the anecdotes.