By ERIK SCHELZIG, The Associated Press
Published: December 28, 2007
NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Al Gore, who was criticized for high electric bills at his 10,000 sq ft Tennessee mansion, has completed a host of improvements to make the home more energy efficient...
The former vice president has installed solar panels, a rainwater-collection system and geothermal heating. He also replaced all incandescent lights with compact fluorescent or light-emitting diode bulbs - even on his Christmas tree.
"Short of tearing it down and starting anew, I don't know how it could have been rated any higher," said Kim Shinn of the U.S. Green Building Council, which gave the house its second-highest rating for sustainable design.
Gore's improvements cut the home's summer electrical consumption by 11 % compared with a year ago, according to utility records reviewed by The Associated Press. Most Nashville homes used 20 percent to 30 percent more electricity during the same period because of a record heat wave.
Shinn said Gore's renovations are impressive because his home, which is more than 80 years old, had to meet the same rigorous standards as new construction. It houses his offices and those of his wife, Tipper, as well as a commercial kitchen for formal events.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Al Gore's Green House
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Target’s Economical Eco Furniture - formaldehyde-free

- affordable
- made with FSC/Rainforest Alliance Certified SmartWood
- 100% formaldehyde-free
- 100% nontoxic, water-based glues and stains
- furniture ships flat to conserve packaging and reduce waste
- designed and manufactured in USA (reducing shipping distance)
- and requires no hardware to set up
Monday, November 19, 2007
National GreenBuilding Conference
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, South Building
Approximately, 50% of green house gas emissions come from buildings and associated activities in Canada. The increasing pressures to reduce green house gas emissions, rising energy costs, and a growing global interest and demand for efficient, responsible growth and development are fuelling the trend towards green building and design and have reinforced the need for a stronger focus on sustainability.
National GreenBuilding Conference will focus on all aspects of green design, construction, retrofit, and maintenance leading to high performance buildings, and will examine best practices and project delivery models that result in more efficient methods of designing sustainability into any project.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
AQUS from WaterSaver Technologies

- AQUS can reduce metered water usage in a two-person household by about 10–20 gallons a day – or approximately 5,000 gallons a year - conserving water and helps save money in reduced water consumption charges and wastewater treatment or sewer fees
- tucked inside the vanity below the sink
- reservoir works in conjunction with standard lavatory pipes
- reservoir holds up to 5 ½ gallons of water from the sink
Santiago Calatrava's Chicago Spire
- aka The Twisted Tower
- Popular Science Engineering Grand Award Winner from their Best of What's New 2007
- 2,000 feet
- 1,193 condos
- the tallest residential building in the world (tall enough to see the curvature of the planet from the top floors!)
- completed in 2011
- green touches:
- cooling system that draws water from the Chicago River
- cisterns for collecting rainwater for landscaping
- reflective glass that will prevent migratory-bird collisions
- aiming to earn LEED “gold”
Friday, November 02, 2007
Largest Low-Rise Green Development in Canada
Oct. 24 - The Toronto Economic Development Corporation (TEDCO) and Monarch Corporation announced today that they will develop the largest low-rise green residential community in Canada.
- called Evergreen
- environmentally friendly homes built to the new LEED-H
- Toronto's Midland and St. Clair area (Scarborough)
- combined development area will equal close to 24 acres
- eventually encompass a mix of 196 town homes and single-family homes
- cost for green building for each unit could rise by as much as 8-9% or $12,000 of the direct building cost
Canadian green building information sources

Sustainable, High-Performance “Green” Building in Canada
Green building – also often referred to as sustainable, high performance building – has its roots in the energy conservation, healthy building, interior air quality, building envelope, commissioning and integrated design movements. It is international in scope. Here is a list of the major Canadian green building information sources.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Dubai 1st Green City in the World
The instruction issued by His Highness Shaikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, that all buildings in Dubai would have to be constructed as per environment-friendly "green building standards" from January next year (2008). come as a major boost to the international climate initiative.The latest decision makes Dubai one of the first in the world, and the only city in the Middle East region, to go for the "green building standards".
This system also has a plethora of benefits to derive from. For example, a green building, according to the US Green Buildings Council, can save, on an average, 70 per cent of electricity, between 50 and 60 per cent of water, and 36 per cent of energy more when compared to the standard buildings.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
OSBBC - Fall Straw Bale House Tour

Saturday October 13, 2007
from 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
Over 30 homes will be featured
For more information visit the link, call 1-87-STRAWBAL(E) or email
Saturday, October 06, 2007
B.I.M. - the wave of the future
Architects in California say factors such as building information modeling, green building and industry consolidation are changing the way they do business.
For instance, Irvine-based Ware Malcomb has placed a big emphasis on having its project management teams become LEED-accredited, says CEO Larry Armstrong. At the same time, Ware Malcomb is preparing its staff to do BIM projects later this year, he adds.
“(BIM) is a freight train and it’s coming,” Armstrong says.
Peter Devereaux, president of Los Angeles-based Harley Ellis Devereaux, calls BIM “the wave of the future and it will transform our industry.”
BIM also means that design firms will be looking for more experienced, licensed architects and that will mean less opportunities for the drafters and novice architects, Darden adds.
“Everywhere you will see people trying to hire licensed experienced architects,” Darden says. “With BIM, there is no room at the bottom.”
Finding experienced and qualified architects is a concern for Kit Ratcliff, president of Emeryville-based Ratcliff.
There has been a 50% falloff in the last 10 years in U.S. licensed architects, Ratcliff says. “We are running out of architects,” he adds.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Green Globes Student Housing - University of Arkansas

- 50 apartments on the southeast edge of the University of Arkansas Fayetteville campus
- 600 sq ft
- projected to cost $ 16. 28 million
- 4 three-story apartment buildings - community building with a lounge, office and upstairs exercise room
- first Green Globes project on campus
- part of the university’s efforts to become “a model for sustainability”
- university “mindful of our responsibility to our environment and to our surroundings”. That means implementing the latest standards in “green design” for all new campus buildings.
- new UA construction projects followed LEED benchmarks since 2004
- Green Globes is similar to LEED. 90% percent of criteria between the two agree, but Green Globes identifies wood as a renewable resource
- wood frame
- energy efficient lighting, windows and insulation
- carpets will be made from recycled materials
- showers and toilets will be designed to restrict water flow
- landscaping will use native plants that limit erosion
- Energy Star-approved appliances
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Sidwell Friends Middle School (Washington, DC)

- the greenest school in the U.S., the first to earn a platinum LEED rating
- if initial cost of going green is high- savings can be even greater:
the energy bill for primary and secondary schools in the U.S. is $6 billion--and that's per year (more than spent annually on computers and books combined)
- constructed wetland (first in Washington, DC), treats building waste water on site - part of a closed system that recycles water back to the building and lavatories
- Green roof vegetation holds and filters rainwater; gutters and downspouts direct rainwater to a biology pond, which supports native habitat. Herbs grown by students on the green roof are supplied to the cafeteria
- Building orientation
- passive and mechanically assisted ventilation
- solar chimneys
- solar panels
5% of the building’s total electrical load is generated on the roof- double-glazed windows
- Window placement, skylights and reflective panels maximize use of natural light so energy for lighting in this building is 10 – 15% of that of a comparable code compliant building
- Recycled, rapidly renewable and locally produced materials such as cork, gypsum, linoleum, bamboo and wheatboard substrate
Exterior cladding is western red cedar (reclaimed from wine casks)- Paints, carpets and adhesives were selected for low emission of volatile organic compounds
- carbon dioxide sensors in the classrooms automatically adjust temperature by detecting how many people are inside
Thursday, September 20, 2007
321 North (Plantation, FL)
one of the country's first green communities will rise:Source:
- 33-acre development has an environmental focus
- $350 million project is still under review
- could begin as soon as 2008
- 600 residential units, along with office and a revamped shopping mall, all within walking distance to help cut back on car use
- Eco-friendly materials will be used throughout the project
- green screens where plants can grow on some outside walls and rooftops
- tinted glass that will allow for the shading
- sustainable woods like bamboo and palm and products made of recycled material like the carpets and countertops
- maximizes the amount of natural light that gets indoors
- paints, adhesives and other materials will also have a low chemical content
- part of a nationwide pilot program to expand LEED for Neighborhood Development
(LEED certified building ends up with 35 percent cost reduction in energy consumption and 40 percent in reduction of water consumption than a non-LEED building)- economic data supports the decision to green your facilities
Monday, September 10, 2007
Course - Carbon Neutral Building Design
- October 8-9, 2007
- Vintners Inn north of
Santa Rosa , California (Sonoma Wine Country region) - 2 day "How Low Can You Go?" training
- cost $1995, includes all gourmet meals (accommodations and transportation not included)
- designed for Lead Architects and Design Teams interested in carbon neutral buildings
- using Revit, ArchiCAD, and our Green Building Studio web service (GBS)
- fundamental principles of how a building can achieve carbon neutrality
- how today's BIM tools make it easier then ever to do energy analysis
- why the earliest decisions an architect makes are the most critical
- Basic familiarity and previous use of either ArchiCAD or Revit and an installed copy of
one of these BIM tools on your laptop computer
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Sun Frost refrigerators and freezers

Sun Frost refrigerators and freezers are so outstandingly energy-efficient, powering a home with solar power or other low output energy sources is both feasible and affordable. All models are available in 12 or 24 volt DC, or 110 or 220 volt AC. Even in a home using conventional utility power, energy consumption for refrigeration is typically cut by a factor of five!
(WBCSD) report - "Green" Construction Costs Lower Than Believed

World Business Council for Sustainable Development
Respondents to a 1400 person global survey estimated the additional cost of building green at 17 percent above conventional construction, more than triple the true cost difference of about 5 percent. At the same time, survey respondents put greenhouse gas emissions by buildings at 19 percent of world total, while the actual number of 40 percent is double this.
“Life cycle analysis shows that 80% to 85% of the total energy consumption and CO 2 emissions of a building comes from occupancy through heating, cooling, ventilation, and hot water use. If we want to make an impact on climate change, we therefore need to tackle this challenge. Combining the right materials when designing a building envelope can greatly reduce a building's energy requirements, increase its life span and ensure consistent performance over time,” he said.
The Report - Energy Efficiencies in Buildings: Business realities and opportunities (pdf doc)
Friday, August 24, 2007
India Tower (South Mumbai, India)

- expected to be completed in 2010
- mixed-use program that changes with each rotation
- least possible impact on the environment
- integrate current innovative sustainable systems and technologies – solar shading, natural ventilation, daylighting, rainwater harvesting, and green interior finishes and materials
– one of the greenest skyscrapers in India
Monday, August 20, 2007
LEED affordable housing complex (NYC)

- rental community
- located in the South Bronx
- 64 spacious units within 16 three-family and eight two-family houses
- all reserved for families of four earning about $42,000
- LEED for Homes pilot program
- water efficiency, indoor environmental quality and green design process as well as sustainable site planning, energy, materials and resources
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Barratt EcoSmart Show Village (UK)

- Chorley in Lancashire
- 7 special homes which feature the latest energy -
efficient and 'green' technologies, including wind, solar and geothermal power - testing these and asking homebuyers whether they want them in their homes
- homes aren’t available to buy
- being evaluated by experts from Manchester University
LEED for Homes now in Canada
Developed in the U.S., the LEED program has come to Canada in stages, with commercial, institutional, industrial and multi-unit residential certification now in place. With increasing concern over environmental issues, there's been growing demand for the individual homes component, which has been tested in the U.S. for two years and is due to be formally launched in November, said council vice-chair Andrew Pride, also vice-president of energy management for Minto Homes.
"We're going to take the U.S. program and make it Canadian," he said.
The U.S. expected 50 builders and 300 homes to be certified under the pilot project, but ended up with about 400 builders and 6,000 homes, Pride said.
"Rather than trying to market LEED for Homes and create demand for it, they've been trying to manage the demand and grow fast enough to meet it," Satnik said. "There's been no lack of interest. We're already seeing the same in Canada."
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Kipling Transit Hub 2010 (Toronto)
City of Mississauga is contributing $5.5 million towards the project. Construction is slated to start next year. GO Transit and the Toronto Transit Commission, through the Province, are chipping in the balance.Interesting! And good news for a change. Wonder who's going to win that bid?
When completed in 2010, Mississauga Transit buses will use the terminal to link with GO and the TTC, re-routing from the outmoded Islington station. The facility will also serve as the Mississauga Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system’s easterly connection once it is up and running.
The facility will be fully accessible for persons with disabilities and LEED certified as a “green building.”
Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency (US)

DSIRE is a comprehensive source of information on state, local, utility, and federal incentives that promote renewable energy and energy efficiency. Choose one or both databases to search.
Monday, August 13, 2007
2007 Green Building Festival | Toronto

FREE ADMISSION, PUBLIC WELCOMEWhether you are a home owner curious about the latest green building technologies, or a corporate leader looking to jump ahead in the drive to sustainability the Green Building Festival trade show is not-to-be-missed event. It’s is the only event focused exclusively on green building and is a key annual event in Canada’s evolution toward sustainable development.
- October 25, 10:30am - 5:00pm
- Atlantis Pavilions at Ontario Place, Toronto, ON
- features over 70 exhibitors representing the forefront of Canada’s sustainable building industry
Monday, August 06, 2007
LED Fluorescent Bulbs - EVERLED

- Fluorescent tubes... incredibly toxic, full of heavy metals such as mercury and lead.
- can be fitted on standard fluorescent tube fittings without any additions or changes to the ballasts
- manufacturer claims that the product has a 10 year lifespan
- energy reduction of about 20% from standard installations
- main model comes in a standard length of 4 feet
- $150 a tube (WOW! - would have to see life cycle costing to be able to sell it to a client i'd bet)
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Katherine K. Hanley Family Shelter (VA)

The county building incorporates many “green building” features, including:And it's the first homeless shelter in the country to receive a Green Globes rating for its sound, energy and environmental- design practices and will be recognized by the Green Building Initiative for this distinction at a later time.
- energy-efficient appliances and light fixtures
- building materials with recycled content
- water-saving plumbing fixtures
- water-efficient landscaping
- extensive use of natural light.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Airdrie Environmental Education Centre (Alberta)

Building features:
- Straw bale, tight envelope construction solar radiant in-floor heating system
- Photovoltaic electrical
- Potable water collection and filtration system
- Environmentally sound and healthy construction materials including paints & wood treatments
- Energy efficient windows
- Recycled materials throughout
- Solar wall used to warm the fresh air for the “Life Breath” heat recovery ventilator
- Naturalized and xeriscaped green spaces
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Greenburg, Kansas - Di Caprio "Eco-Town"
"Discovery’s new eco-lifestyle channel Planet Green is partnering with actor and avid environmentalist Leonardo DiCaprio to help launch the channel early next year with a touching environmentally-friendly project. DiCaprio is set to executive produce “Eco-Town,” a 13-part reality series which will follow state and local officials in their quest to build an ecologically—and economically—sustainable town in Kansas, aptly named Greenburg."Source:
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
"LED City" program - Raleigh & Toronto

"Canada's largest metropolitan area has joined Raleigh, NC in fostering a city-wide program to use and evaluate LED lighting. [LEDCity] initiative fosters collaboration among municipalities as they deploy energy-efficient lighting to deliver cost savings and environmental benefits. LEDs appearing throughout parks, parking garages and in architectural lighting over the coming months. Toronto already hosts a number of high profile LED installations, including LED streetlights at Exhibition Place, the Harbinger color-changing installation, and of course the CN Tower (CN Tower ... LED lighting... is designed to use 60% less energy than the Tower's lighting did in the 1990s). LEDs provide an energy-efficient, mercury- free solution helping to preserve the environment, while delivering more- flexible and longer-lasting lighting than traditionalSource:
lighting technologies."
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
WIRED Living Home (CA)

- Living Homes with WIRED Magazine
- Architect: Ray Kappe
- Cost: $4 million modernist home in Los Angeles
- Size: 4,000 sq ft
- Features: LEED® Gold rating, passive heating and cooling, solar power, automated theatre, temperature, and lighting...
- Open later this year for public tours
- For the family that wants all the toys but wants to be as green as they can about it (perfect for my friend DW... if they could just make one half the size at an affordable price!)
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Live Earth Concert 07/07/07

"Live Earth is a 24-hour, 7-continent concert series taking place on 7/7/07 that will bring together more than 100 music artists and 2 billion people to trigger a global movement to solve the climate crisis.
Live Earth concerts will be broadcast to a live worldwide audience by MSN at"
Showing on Bravo starting at 9am
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Gaia Napa Valley Hotel (CA)

"World's First and Only" - Gold LEED Certified- HotelSee features at:
Also... you'll find a copy of Al Gore's book, "An Inconvenient Truth", in each of the rooms for your reading pleasure."
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Google Campus - Solar panels

"It’s a good time to be green, and Google is leading the way. Last year, the search giant Google announced that their installation of the solar panels on their campus, which are expected to provide around 1,600 kw/h. And keeping with their green commitment, they recently launched the Google solar panel project webpage which will help anyone track how much power their solar panels are generating. And now, their newest green initiatives include everything from plug-in hybrids and car-powered homes to carbon neutrality. And to top it off, Google has just announced that it expects to become carbon neutral by 2007. They will do this via a mixture of energy consumption reduction, carbon offsets, and use of renewable resources. They will also be submitting themselves to an independent audit to make sure that they meet this goal every year."
American College & University Presidents Climate Commitment
The leaders of 284 colleges and universities from around the country (45 states and represent about 15 % of US higher education institutions) officially unveiled this week the The American College & University Presidents Climate Commitment, a pact that urges educational institutions to eliminate their greenhouse gas emissions.
- Begin development of a comprehensive plan to achieve climate neutrality ASAP;
- implement 2 or more actions from a list of ways to reduce greenhouse gases while the more comprehensive plan is being developed;
- make action plan, inventory, and periodic progress reports publicly available through the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education.
Bank of America's new headquarters - One Bryant Park

Matthew Wheeland
"will be the first LEED Platinum skyscraper in the country, and it's been called the world's "most sustainable skyscraper." The project's architects, Cook+Fox, have incorporated the most cutting-edge green technologies:
- 2.2 million square feet
- cost of water has gone up 40 % since we started the project
- waterless urinals will save 3 million gallons of potable water a year
- collecting rainwater reuse ...for landscaping and washing the sidewalks, but we're really using it for flushing the toilets and for the cooling tower
- the cost of energy is not going to go down
- 5.1 megawatt cogen plant ...use that energy to make ice at night... melting ice in the middle of the day... less energy to create the air conditioning"
4000 LEED Student Residence beds (CA)
"American Campus Communities Inc., an owner, developer and manager of student housing, has been selected by the University of California, Irvine (UCI) to begin the planning process for the development of up to 4,000 on-campus beds...(using) LEED silver or higher certified rating."
Monday, June 25, 2007
Greensulate - Mushroom Insulation

"An engineer with an agricultural background recently developed a new kind of "eco-friendly" building insulation using mushroom spores. The "Greensulate formula [is] an organic, fire-retardant board made of water, flour, oyster mushroom spores and perlite, a mineral blend found in potting soil...A 1-inch-thick sample of the perlite-mushroom composite had a 2.9 R-value, the measure of a substance's ability to resist heat flow. Commercially produced fiberglass insulation typically has an R-value between 2.7 and 3.7 per inch of thickness." Clearly this is a way to avoid carcinogenic materials and petrochemicals in the walls of our homes and offices, and it also demonstrates the extent of what's possible when we innovate across disciplines."Source:
"Bringing the insulation to market is still at least a year away though, said McIntyre, and will require much more research and work, not to mention more sophisticated equipment and a better work space."Source:
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Burj al-Taqa ("Energy Tower")

A Zero-Energy Tower in the Desert
Sarah Rich
June 21, 2007 3:04 PM
German architect, Eckhard Gerber, who currently holds CAD drawings for the tallest zero-emissions, zero-energy skyscraper in the world.
"a giant 68-story building projected to rise to a lofty height of 322 meters (1,056 feet), which would make it number 22 on the list of the world's tallest buildings."
Friday, June 22, 2007
Smarterhomes (New Zealand)

"A smart home is one that’s good for its occupants and for the environment. Being smart includes being energy efficient and using resources wisely. It means choosing materials that are sustainable. It means designing and building homes that maximise occupants’ health and comfort, while also costing less to run."
- Why choose a smart home?
- Why should building and property professionals offer smart homes?
- What can smart homes do for the environment?
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Green Homes & Sustainable Communities 2007 (USA)
The Fairmont San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA
July 19 - July 20, 2007
- "Many affordable housing developers are building green developments for lower income families on a cost effective basis while reaping monetary, marketing and mission benefits
- Most state housing agencies now encourage sustainable development practices in their 2007 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit qualified allocation plans. In some states the practical reality is that incorporating green development is necessary to receive allocations
- Renewable energy tax credits and other incentives are being used to finance energy-saving enhancements to housing and community development projects
- More capital providers are looking for “triple bottom line” lending and investment opportunities that deliver financial, social and environmental returns
- The strategies and benefits of green development at scale extend beyond individual projects into communities, cities and regions"
"Green" Credit Union ranch (Kitchener, ON)
"This is Libro's third "green" branch. Its design has received 4 outSee complete list of green features in the article at:
of 5 Green Globes, a third party environmental building rating system. The
designation showcases Libro's leadership in energy efficient and environmental
design practices," says Jack Smit, President and CEO, Libro. "We are committed
to building "green" when we can. We know the importance of reducing our impact
on the environment. We may be new to the Williamsburg neighbourhood but we're
committed to its sustainability!"
Saturday, June 16, 2007
LEED vs Green Globes Study
"A 2007 University of Minnesota study compared LEED to Green Globes. The study found that Green Globes is less costly, easier to work with and less time-consuming than LEED."Click here for the full report:
Click here for a comparison chart:
Proposed Standard 189P (USA)
"Being developed by a partnership between the USGBC, ASHRAE, and IESNA ... say the baseline standard, which will apply to new commercial construction and major renovations, will be fleshed out by 2007.Also see:
The new standard will be largely based on LEED, with prescriptive measures for environmental performance drawn from its five categories.
code agencies could adopt Standard 189P as a baseline, while mandating additional sustainability measures as they see fit. This would relieve states and municipalities from needing to draft special legislation to mandate green buildings by, for instance, referencing LEED or other voluntary rating systems."
"Currently the standard is open for public comment and comments will be accepted through July 9, 2007 at The committee plans to release the standard by late 2007. Upon completion, Standard 189 will be an ANSI-accredited standard that can be incorporated into building codes...(just as Standard 90.1... has been almost universally adopted as a baseline standard for energy efficiency)"
Friday, June 15, 2007
AccessOn: Built Environment
Oh... and the 2006 OBC code is in many ways just as inaccessible as the 1997 version. Go to most cities in Ontario and see how much higher their accessibility standards are (we were/are actually involved with writing many of them which is really cool).
And if you think about it... how "sustainable" can a building be if people as they get older can't use it (often the forgotten aspect of accessibility).
Read about province wide progress:
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
CBC-TV: The Nature of Things: Build Green
Sunday, June 17, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. ET/PT on CBC-TV
Saturday, June 23 at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT on CBC Newsworld
The Lighthouse - Net-zero Carbon Home

Apart of BRE Innovation Park
Monday, June 11, 2007
"Containter City" Ultimate recycled home

Saturday, June 09, 2007
World's Greenest Museum - California Academy of Sciences

"We wanted our building to really reflect our institutional commitment to the environment and its sustainability," said Frank Almeda, senior curator of the academy's botany department.
When completed (2008), it's expected to be the first museum to earn the U.S. Green Building Council's "platinum" certification (LEED) —the highest rating for environmentally sustainable construction, academy officials said. Design by Italian architect Renzo Piano.The museum will feature... energy-saving technologies... roof will be bordered with solar panels that will provide a portion of its electricity needs... lights will automatically dim and brighten in response to daylight... rooftop skylights and side windows will open and close automatically to heat and cool the building."
Friday, June 08, 2007
Minto Roehampton - Green Apartments

"Yonge and Eglinton is now home to Toronto's first Green apartment building. Minto Roehampton is a 16-storey sustainable rental building, designed and built to embrace healthy living, promote energy savings and sustainability and protect the environment.Source:
Minto Roehampton is a LEED(R)-Canada candidate for Gold Certification (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design). Minto has also been selected among the very best in the country to construct an environmentally-friendly home as part of the CMHC Equilibrium Housing Initiative."
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
GreenPoint Rated Homes (California)
"GreenPoint Rated is a program of Build It Green, a professional non-profit membership organization whose mission is to promote healthy, energy- and resource-efficient buildings in California.Source:
An independent, third-party rater verifies that each project satisfies green building standards. Certified GreenPoint raters are experienced professionals who have completed extensive technical training and passed written and field exams. GreenPoint ratings are now available for single-family and multifamily new construction projects."
GreenPoint Rated Projects:
- GreenCity Lofts by Green City Development, Emeryville // Rating: 82
- Freeda Court by Habitat for Humanity, Hayward // Rating: 95
- Hammond Home by Hammond Fine Homes, Petaluma // Rating: 147
- Gate 48 by Shasta Production Services, Oakland // Rating: 76
- Avignon by Centex Homes, Pleasanton // Rating: 104
- 288 3rd Street, Oakland by Signature Properties // Rating: 57
University of Waterloo Sustainability Project
"...a service run by student volunteers from various disciplines. The primary purpose of UWSP is to improve the state of sustainability on campus as well as raise environmental awareness among students, faculty, and staff. UWSP is comprised of different working groups each targeting specific aspects of sustainability."Source: Groups
- Clearing a Path
(trying to have University of Waterloo commit to Talloirses Declaration)- Green Roofs Over Waterloo (GROW)
- Naturalistic Landscaping Team (NLT)
- Sustainable Technology Education Project (STEP)
- Waste Management
- FootSteps to Conservation
- Zimride
- Campus Sustainability Assessment Framework (UW CSAF Project)
Talloires Declaration
"Composed in 1990 at an international conference in Talloires, France, this is the first official statement made by university administrators of a commitment to environmental sustainability in higher education. The Talloires Declaration (TD) is a ten-point action plan for incorporating sustainability and environmental literacy in teaching, research, operations and outreach at colleges and universities. It has been signed by over 300 university presidents and chancellors in over 40 countries."Canadian Universities and Colleges include:
Carleton University, Concordia University, Dalhousie University, McGill University, Ryerson Polytechnical Institute, Simon Fraser University, UBC, University of Guelph, University of Ottawa, University of Saskatchewan, University of Victoria, University of Western Ontario, and York University
See full list here:
Monday, June 04, 2007
EarthCraft House certification (Atlanta, GA)

"EarthCraft House is a green building program that serves as a blueprint for healthy, comfortable homes that reduce utility bills and protect the environment. EarthCraft House is a partnership between the Greater Atlanta Home Builders Association, Southface, government and industry partners."
EQuilibrium Housing - CMHC
"CMHC is pleased to announce that the Net Zero Energy Healthy
Housing initiative has been officially branded EQuilibrium Housing. It reflects
the objective of balancing our country's housing requirements with the need to
preserve and protect our natural environment."
The Five Principles:
12 Demonstration Projects:
Rubloff Hall - Saint Xavier University's (Chicago, IL)

by: Kelly Hladek
- $9 million, 37,000-sq-ft Rubloff Hall, opened fall 2006
- LEED Silver certified
- high-efficiency lighting, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, insulation systems, green and reflective roofing, building computer system (BCS)
- 90 % lighting comes from natural sources
- heating units are 90 %more efficient and 50 % smaller than more traditional units
- 100 % of building's required power purchases are generated from "green sources"
- construction materials- adhesives, sealants, paints and carpets all required the "green" stamp of approval
- construction crews recycled over 80 % of scrap materials
- if constructed in traditional manner, energy costs - $90,000 annually
New hall will cost - $60,000 annually
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Ontario Gov't - LEED for New Buildings and Green Roof Pilot
June 1, 2007
"LEED certified buildings have energy consumption 25 to 60 % less than ones built to the Canada’s Model National Energy Building Code standard.
The province will also be piloting a green roof project to cut costs for heating and cooling, reduce the heat island effect of cities in summer time, help clean the air and prevent rain water runoff. This will help reduce the government’s carbon footprint."
FCM-CH2M HILL Sustainable Community Awards
"The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and CH2M HILL Canada Limited honoured the 10 winners of the FCM-CH2M HILL Sustainable Community Awards at a recognition ceremony at FCM's 70th Annual Conference and Municipal ExpoTM in Calgary today (June 2, 2007). The Awards recognize municipal leadership in sustainable community development and giveWinners:
national recognition to projects that demonstrate environmental excellence and
innovation in service delivery."
- Québec City, Québec - Bibliothèque de Charlesbourg (Building)
- City of Calgary, Alberta - imagineCALGARY (Sustainable Community Planning)
- City of Toronto, Ontario - Making Green Roofs Happen (Wastewater)
- Town of East Gwillimbury, Ontario - Energy Star Standards for new homes
(Residential Development)
FCM Centre for Sustainable Community Development:
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Ontario's RE Feed-in Tariff - Progress Report
"It's been 6 months since ... Ontario started its Standard Offer Program (SOP), which created the first feed-in tariff (FIT) in North America for renewable energy in over 20 years.Source:
Since last November (2006), OPA has received applications under the new FIT for 65 wind, solar, biomass and hydropower projects totaling roughly 330 megawatts (MW) of capacity.
... a FIT sets a price per kilowatt-hour (kWh) of generated renewable energy that is high enough to properly compensate the generator and make a project profitable."
Ontario Power Authority - Ontario's Standard Offer Program
- Solar PV Projects - 42 cent/kWh
- Waterpower Projects - 11 cent/kWh
- Wind Projects - 11 cent/kWh
- Biomass Projects - 11 cent/kWh
Green Roof Design 101 - Toronto June 4, 2007
Green Roof Design 101 Introductory Course (2nd Ed.)Check their site for other dates in other cities:
In this revised introductory course you will learn about the components and benefits of green roofs, how to design a project for maximum benefits, how to cost estimate for different types of projects and much more. The new course includes the most up-to-date green roof research and design practices as well, as new case studies from this rapidly expanding industry. Tuition: $395
Richard Rogers' Oxley Park "Flexi-Houses" - Milton Keynes, U.K.

"The first tranche of houses at Oxley Woods in Milton Keynes, designed by Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners, ... go on sale at £199,995 for a two-bedroom property this week."Source:,Authorised=false.html
"The homes are constructed from sustainable materials and employ unique features including an ‘EcoHat’ – allowing hot air to be re-used to optimise energy consumption and provide passive solar water heating.Sources:
...houses represent a reduction of approximately 27% in carbon dioxide emissions, compared with a conventional new-build house of similar size. This reduction rises to almost 40% with the inclusion of the EcoHat",4,25,1361,1363
Friday, June 01, 2007
Integrated Learning Centre: Queen’s University - Kingston, Ontario
World Green Building Council moving to Earth Rangers Building

"The World Green Building Council is a union of national councils whose mission is to accelerate the transformation of the global property industry towards sustainability. Current members are GBCAustralia, CanadaGBC, EmiratesGBC, IndiaGBC, JapanSBC, MexicoGBC, New Zealand GBC, TaiwanGBC, United KingdomGBC and the USGBC. Collectively, these nations represent over 50% of global construction activity, and touch more than eight thousand companies and organizations worldwide."
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Canadian Environment Week (June 3-9, 2007)
- Commuter Challenge (June 3-9)
- Clean Air Day (June 6)
- World Oceans Day (June 8)
World Environment Day - June 5, 2007
" one of the principal vehicles through which the United
Nations stimulates worldwide awareness of the environment and enhances political
attention and action.
The World Environment Day slogan selected for 2007 is Melting
Ice – a Hot Topic? In support of International Polar Year, the WED theme
selected for 2007 focuses on the effects that climate change is having on polar
ecosystems and communities, and the ensuing consequences around the
77 Ways to Celebrate -
Foster + Partners Winery - Ribera del Duero, Spain

"The building is partially buried in the landscape, hiding itself around the natural topography of the site. That design choice allows, for instance, for the grapes to be poured straight down into the beginning of the wine production process. The different volumes of the building relate to the specific stages of wine making, with the areas that are sunken into the ground providing the best conditions for the fermentation process.Source:
...diminish the impact on the environment... partial burial of the building thermal combined with a green roof on top to control the temperature, and photovoltaics on the roof seal the deal."
GM 1st LEED-Gold for Auto Manufacturing Facility

Over the first ten years of operations, the facility is expected to save over 40 million gallons of water and 30 million kwh of electricity.
Rainwater from the 1.5 million square foot is collected in cisterns above rest rooms and is used to flush toilets at the new GM Lansing Delta Township Assembly Plant."
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Green Building Exchange - Redwood City, CA
"Green Building Exchange provides the information and contacts necessary for the public or business professionals to realize any green building project, from initial design to completed structure. The public benefits by having a large choice of qualified vendors in one locale. Ease of selecting appropriate materials, services and qualified professionals for your buildingproject ultimately translates into reduced time and project costs."
Lots of interesting information.
Solar Living Institute - Hopland, CA

"The Solar Living Center (SLC) began as a shared vision among the workers of Real Goods Trading Corporation and company founder and President John Schaeffer. It was a vision of a permaculture oasis where the company could demonstrate the culture and technology of solar living.
The Center’s beautiful main showroom was designed by architect Sim Van der Ryn of Sausalito, California."
Another place to learn how to live and build green AND a building following their prinicpals. Can't wait to go someday!
Green Building Institute - Jessup, Maryland
Sustainable Building Sourcebook
but geared to the Austin, Texas climate and lists their regulations so will need to think before you blindly follow if you are designing elsewhere. Topic organization is a little strange too to me but since it's free I won't complain.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Everdale screening - "Escape from Suburbia" documentary
The next film after "End of Suburbia"... a must see and think film.
A fundraising Event being held for Everdale Organic Farm and Environmental Learning Centre.
$8.00 admission at the door.
- Tuesday, June 12, 7 pm - 9 pm at the Erin Cinema, Centre 2000
- Thursday June 14, 7 pm - 9 pm at the University of Guelph- Vet College, Rm 1714
Map & Directions:
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Toronto's CNE Hydrogen Village
More information:
Nader Khalili's Eco-homes

At the CalEarth Institute, students discover how to build homes which are literally dirt cheap (around $3200 for the design) and some of which are powerful enough to withstand an earthquake. The total cost of one of the larger, more elaborate homes — which can be built and completed by three people within the space of a week — is around $90 000.Source:
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Cornwall, Ontario - First Green/Sustainable Facility

by Elisabeth Johns
Ron Chenier joined with Chris Markell (LEED accredited builder), of Bourgon and Associates, to develop Place Dominion Place Inc., a nearly 54,000 square-foot, four-storey building that will incorporate initiatives like: wood from sustainable forests, low flow toilets and in-door bike racks for commuters, complete with change rooms and showers.
The cost for the state-of-the-art building is an estimated $5 million, which will account for a number of green building supplies that will cost more initially, but reduce energy costs, Chenier said. They hope to attain a silver rating for Dominion Place, Markell said.
Friday, May 25, 2007
2007 AIA Convention Emphasizes Building Green
Convention and Design Exposition concluded with a keynote presentation by former Vice President Al Gore on the importance of architects taking all necessary steps to help curb climate change. Dr. David Suzuki, environmentalist and author also addressed the convention about steps people can take to help lead a more sustainable lifestyle with less negative impact on nature.AIA 2007 National Convention and Design Expo
Thursday, May 24, 2007
In five years, all buildings -- new and existing -- will be green
May 23, 2007
by Randyl Drummer
"The takeaway from the (Chicago 2007) ULI conference was that we’re at a tipping point," Lord said. "In five years, all buildings -- new and existing -- will be green. Unlike new construction, the greening of existing buildings has to be implemented by the building property management team. New green buildings are about design and construction. Existing green buildings are about operations."
The average building certified under the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program uses 32% less electricity, 26% less natural gas and 36% less total energy. LEED-certified buildings in the U.S. are reducing CO2 emissions by 150,000 metric tons each year -- equal to taking 30,000 passenger cars off the road. Yet the vast majority of the 715 buildings and tenant spaces certified under the LEED program in the U.S. are new construction. Only about 50 are existing buildings.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
NASA Earth Observatory - Potential Effects of Global Warming

Very interesting section to the NASA Earth Observatory site (ie not a politician or celebrity or even unknown with an ax to grind) with all the famous graphs and global images used elsewhere. This is one of several chapters presented.
The most obvious impact of global warming will be changes in both average and extreme temperature and precipitation, but warming will also enhance coastal erosion, lengthen the growing season, melt ice caps and glaciers, and alter the range of some infectious diseases, among other things...Also see their section:
Predicting Future Warming (
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
The 11th Hour (documentary)
2007 feature film documentary created, produced and narrated by Leonardo DiCaprionatural environment. Directed by Leila Conners Petersen and Nadia Conners. Financed by Adam Lewis, Pierre André Senizergues and Doyle Brunson. Distributed by Warner Independent Pictures. World premiere at the 60th Annual Cannes Film Festival.Source:
To be released Fall of 2007.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Doors Open Toronto (May 26/27, 2007) - The Green List

From the 150 buildings participating, here's a list of all those showcasing green/sustainable design ideas or principles:
- Beach Solar Laundromat
- Bloorview Kids Rehab
- Cecelia Murphy Building
- Design Exchange
- Eco-suite at Tridel's Element Condominium
- Horse Palace: Green Roof
- Levitt Goodman House
- Mountain Equipment Co-op
- Ravina Project
- Robertson Building
- SAS Building
- St. Gabriel's Passionist Parish
- Thomas L. Wells Public School
- University of Guelph-Humber
- University of Toronto: BCIT
- University of Toronto: Multi-faith Centre - Koffler Institute
- Zeidler Partnership Architects Building